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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jade with his Pumpkin

This is when Mom, Jade, Lyric and Muir went to the Pumpkin patch. Here is Jade with his pumpkin.

Mom Race

This is mom when she was almost at the finish line. The race was the Columbia Gorge Marathon, mom did the half. Mom got 4th out of 292 women runners!!!

My Race

This is one on the races that we had in The Dalles. On this race I fell at the start and my knees got pretty scraped up.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Denali's Birthday

Here's my birthday. I sure had a great time!

Jades Birthday

Here is Jades Birthday he said his favorite gift was his pillow pet. (of course!)


This is Patrick, Dave and Micheles new baby. We got to see them at their River House in August. He's so cute!

Monday, October 11, 2010


This is when we were in Bend and were staying with Aunt Becky and Riley.

A funny photo

This is just a funny photo that I just had to post!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Here is a picture of us at a Vineyard in California.

Pinnacles National Monument

On our way to California we stoped at this national monument...It was really neat becauase there were a lot of BIG and pointy rocks.